On this page, for your review, the images are for all trades executed in the OptionsMeister Gold Level Membership. From left to right, there is the "trades by strategy" compilation of all trades placed by strategy. To the right of that image summarizes the year to date performance. Below these two images is the 2024 Year to Date Detailed Trade Log. On this list, you will find every trade entered, exited, or adjusted through July 1, 2024. 

It is important to note that all trades are one contract lot traded in a $25,000 account. This will make it easy for you to project what your results may be according to your account size.

We only deploy between 40% and 60% of our capital. The amount deployed depends on the volatility environment.

Trades by Strategy                                                                                                                                                             performance

Year to Date Summary






Detail Trade Logperformance