Course Description

Welcome to "Options Trading Made Easy: A Beginner's Guide," where you will embark on an exciting journey into the world of options trading. Whether you're new to investing or looking to expand your portfolio, this course is designed to demystify options trading and provide you with the knowledge and skills to make informed trading decisions.

In this comprehensive course, you will learn the fundamentals of options trading, including understanding options contracts, common terminology, risk management, and more. Through a series of online interactive lectures, you will gain a solid foundation in understanding the important metrics to navigate the market with ease.

Presented by an experienced options trading mentor with over fifteen years of experience trading options, this course is tailored for beginners and structured to provide a clear and accessible learning experience. By the end of the course, you will have the tools and understanding to start trading options with confidence and take control of your financial future.

Join the course today and unlock the potential of options trading as we guide you through the essentials of this dynamic and rewarding investment strategy. Whether you're looking to generate income, hedge risk, or diversify your portfolio, "Options Trading Made Easy: A Beginner's Guide" is your gateway to mastering the art of options trading.

Course Content

Module 1: Introduction to Options Trading

Prepare yourself to explore the thrilling realm of options trading! Kick off your journey with Module 1, Introduction to Options Trading, from this online course Options Trading Made Easy: A Beginner's Guide. This fundamental module is crafted to provide you with the necessary knowledge and skills to kickstart your venture into options trading. Consisting of four comprehensive lessons, you will grasp the basics, advantages, risks, and essential terms used in the options market. Brace yourself for an enlightening learning experience that will unravel the mysteries of options trading and set you on the path to becoming a knowledgeable options trader.
What are Options?
Benefits of Options Trading
Risks in Options Trading
Common Terminology

Module 2: Understanding Option Basics

Module 2 of the online course "Options Trading Made Easy: A Beginner's Guide," titled "Understanding the Basics," provides a comprehensive introduction to key elements of options trading. This module covers essential concepts such as call options, put options, strike price, expiration date, intrinsic value, and an overview of option contracts. You will gain a solid understanding of the foundational principles necessary to navigate the world of options trading with confidence. Whether you're new to the concept or seeking to reinforce your knowledge, this module serves as a crucial building block for your journey into the realm of options trading.
Option contracts
Call Options
Put Options
Strike Price
Expiration Date
Intrinsic Value
Extrinsic Value
Time Value

Module 3: Types of Options

In Module 3 of the online course, "Options Trading Made Easy: A Beginner's Guide," the instructor presents and explains the different types of options commonly used in the market, along with their distinguishing characteristics. This module provides comprehensive coverage of various options types, including but not limited to, call options, put options, American options, and European options. Participants will gain a clear understanding of the fundamental differences between these options, including their exercise styles, expiration dates, and underlying assets. By the end of this module, students will have a solid grasp of the different types of options available and the unique features that distinguish them, empowering them to make informed decisions when trading options.
American style options
European style options
Index options
Stock options
Exchange traded options

Module 4: Options Most Important Metrics

Module 4 of the online course, "Options Trading Made Easy: A Beginner's Guide," focuses on the essential metrics that traders use to efficiently identify and manage trades. Throughout this module, participants will delve into the crucial metrics and indicators that play a pivotal role in the decision-making process for successful options trading. Students will learn how to interpret and utilize key metrics such as implied volatility, volume, open interest, and various technical indicators to assess market conditions and make informed trading decisions. By the end of this module, learners will be equipped with the knowledge and tools necessary to effectively analyze and manage trades in the options market.
Implied volatility
Implied volatility rank (IVR) and Implied volatility percentile (IVP)
Open interest and volume
Standard deviation
Expected move

Module 5: The Greeks

Module 5 of the online course, "Options Trading Made Easy: A Beginner's Guide," titled "The Greeks," provides essential information about understanding and utilizing "the greeks" in options trading. This module is designed to introduce beginners to the key concepts and factors that influence options pricing and behavior. Students will gain a comprehensive understanding of the various greeks, including delta, gamma, theta, vega, and rho, and their significance in options trading. By the end of this module, participants will have a solid foundation in the application of the greeks to make informed decisions and manage risks effectively in the options market.
Option Greeks

Module 6: Getting Started with Options Trading

Module 6, "Getting Started with Options Trading," serves as a comprehensive guide for individuals looking to embark on their options trading journey. This module encompasses crucial information on selecting a broker, initiating and funding a trading account, executing orders, and effectively managing leverage and risk. By providing in-depth insights into these essential aspects, students will gain the knowledge and confidence necessary to navigate the initial stages of options trading with ease. Whether you're a newcomer to the field or seeking to enhance your proficiency, this module equips you with the foundational skills required to kickstart your options trading endeavors successfully.
Choosing a brokerage account
Opening an options trading account
Funding your trading account
Understanding margin and leverage
Placing options orders
Managing trade risks